The past recedes
in an unplanned vow of silence.
Spellbinding my toes to the edge of creation
withstanding the inclination
for sweet precipitation.
(thinking we are all flying
until we hit the ground
and realize that all along
we were falling)
Unsure feet try'n to shimmy in circles
- like a one winged swan -
but how does one move forward in a spiral
when the background fell gone?
I'm growling at the abyss under my heels
flippin' the bail, reelin' my love in
if the past don't share ma feels
I'll find a new beginnin'
(it is done.
move on)
' Oh mercy mercy me
things ain't what they used to be
no no '
'Omnia mutantur, nihil interit '
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Dankjewel! <3